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“biomass wood pellet boiler price”- related faq

  • What are the major advantages of biomass energy? 2021-05-21
    Biomass is a controversial topic in the climate debate - with differing opinions about the pros and cons of its claims to sustainability.
  • Do biomass boilers require much maintenance? 2021-05-21
    People assume that owning a biomass boiler is no different from owning its less environmentally friendly cousins, the oil and gas boilers. Nothing could be further from the truth, and it is this very misconception which leads to abuse and neglect of the maintenance that a biomass boiler needs, if it is to retain its environmental and economic saving potential. This is especially true given the tendency of many installers to skimp on providing the proper support services and education to their customers.
  • What Fuel Does a Biomass Boiler Use? 2021-04-30
    We have briefly covered the fuel that is used for biomass heating already, but there are more details that will help you decide on which is best for you and your requirements. It is important to think about which biomass boiler fuel will work well for your home, as well as the logistics of sourcing your fuel on a regular basis. Let’s take a look at the main types of biomass fuel below:
  • Why use biomass instead of fossil fuel? 2021-04-30
    The integration of a biomass system is relatively simple. In most cases the systems are retro fitted and replace a fossil fuel boiler. The biomass boiler replaces the existing fossil fuel boiler, but the downstream heating system will remain the same, so there is no need to replace the radiators or whatever emitters are in place.
  • Can bagasse be used as the boiler fuel? 2021-03-05
    The answer is yes. The bagasse boiler is a distinctive biomass boiler. According to its specific application, it can also be said to be a bagasse biomass power generation boiler. The bagasse boiler is mainly used for power generation, especially large-scale bagasse biomass boiler equipment, such as 75 tons/hour bagasse power generation boiler, 150 tons bagasse boiler, and 180 tons power generation boiler.
  • How to maintain the biomass-fired boiler? 2020-12-18
    The biomass-fired boilers have wide fuel adaptability to a variety of fuels such as biomass pellets, wood chips, palm shells, straws, etc.
  • What are the fuels of biomass-fired boilers? 2020-12-04
    Biomass-fired boilers can burn many fuel types, but they all belong to biomass energy, such as corn stalks, wheat straws, straws, peanut shells, corn cobs, cotton stalks, soybean stalks, weeds, branches, leaves, sawdust, bark and other solid waste of wood or furniture factories.
  • What are the advantages of the biomass-fired steam boiler? 2020-11-13
    The biomass-fired steam boiler is used widely and the biomass belongs to the renewable energy with high thermal efficiency which can be applied by many production enterprises.
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