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“gas fired boiler factory”- related faq

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  • What are the shell boilers? 2021-03-12
    Shell boilers may be defined as those boilers in which the heat transfer surfaces are all contained within a steel shell. Shell boilers may also be referred to as "fire tube" or "smoke tube" boilers because the products of combustion pass through the boiler tubes, which in turn transfer heat to the surrounding boiler water.
  • What is the gas consumption per hour of a 1 ton natural gas boiler? 2021-02-05
    Gas consumption per hour of natural gas boiler = boiler thermal efficiency / natural gas calorific value / boiler efficiency. The higher the efficiency of boiler use, the less gas consumption, which has inverse relationship between the two. Boiler efficiency has become a key point in assessing boiler quality.
  • What is the working principle of the automatic boiler water level controller? 2021-01-29
    The automatic boiler water level controller is mainly composed of hardware and software parts to complete the functions of the control system. The hardware part is mainly composed of the water level detection circuit, drive circuit, water level indication circuit, pressure automatic control simulation, manual control, etc. The software part is mainly composed of the programs written in assembly language.
  • What is the oil consumption per hour of a 2 tph oil-fired boiler? 2021-01-29
    The oil-fired boiler refers to the boiler fueled by oil, including the diesel, waste oil and other fuel oil. The oil consumption of the oil-fired boiler affects the economic operation of the boiler.
  • What are the external water treatment processes? 2021-01-15
    It is generally agreed that where possible on steam boilers, the principal feedwater treatment should be external to the boiler.
  • What is the working principle of forced circulation boilers? 2021-01-08
    According to the power of water or steam circulation, boilers can be divided into natural circulation boilers, forced circulation boilers, once-through boilers and combined circulation boilers.
  • How does high negative draft affect the solid fuel fired boilers? 2021-01-01
    High negative draft in a solid fuel fired boiler carries away the unburnt fuel along with the flue gas. This leads to wastage of fuel.
  • What if the fully automatic thermal oil heater catches fire? 2020-12-25
    If the hot oil pump of the fully automatic thermal oil heater is suddenly damaged and stops working during the operation, the boiler circulation will be blocked. If the fuel is still burning to make the oil temperature keep rising, it will cause the coking of the hot medium oil which is easy to cause a fire. If the fully automatic thermal oil heater catches fire due to the power cut during the operation, the boiler operator should quickly put out the fire in the furnace to stop the fuel from burning, and blow a large amount of cold air into the furnace to lower the temperature.
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