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  • What are the most common boiler fuel types? 2019-08-23
    Boilers are often distinguished by fuels that power them. The kind of fuel makes an essential difference in operating costs and environmental impact, so it’s important to learn about the various types of boiler fuel. Coal, is a common boiler fuel. It dominates the global energy arena due to its abundance, affordability and wide distribution across the world. The most commonly used coal fuels include anthracite, bituminous coal, sub-bituminous coal, lignite and peat.
  • In what sectors are industrial steam boilers used? 2019-07-12
    The main sectors in which industrial steam boilers are used are: Food, in industrial bakeries or baby food (as an example) Textile, in rotary dryers Chemical, for reactors or storage Pharmaceutical, for the manufacture of medicines Cosmetics, for the production of perfumes and creams Stationery and printing, in drying tunnels The cement industry, for the manufacture of cement parts Oil, for the storage and distribution of heavy oils Wood, involved in the process of melanin production Hospitals and hotels, especially in the laundry and kitchen areas Automotive and surface treatment, for the final metal finishing.
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