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  • Boiler water level alarms 2020-01-31
    The function of high and low level alarms. Low-level alarms will draw attention to low boiler water level and, if required, shut down the boiler. High-level alarms protect plant and processes. Where boilers are operated without constant supervision (which includes the majority of industrial boilers) low water level alarms are required to shut down the boiler in the event of a lack of water in the boiler. Low level may be caused by:
  • What is the boiler efficiency of an industrial boiler? 2020-01-24
    The term “boiler efficiency” is often substituted for thermal efficiency or fuel-to-steam efficiency. When the term “boiler efficiency” is used, it is important to know which type of efficiency is being represented. Why? Because thermal efficiency, which does not account for radiation and convection losses, is not an indication of the true boiler efficiency. Fuelto-steam efficiency, which does account for radiation and convection losses, is a true indication of overall boiler efficiency. The term “boiler efficiency” should be defined by the boiler manufacturer before it is used in any economic evaluation.
  • What is the combustion efficiency of an industrial boiler? 2020-01-24
    Combustion efficiency is an indication of the burner’s ability to burn fuel. The amount of unburned fuel and excess air in the exhaust are used to assess a burner’s combustion efficiency. Burners resulting in low levels of unburned fuel while operating at low excess air levels are considered efficient. Well designed conventional burners firing gaseous and liquid fuels operate at excess air levels of 15% and result in negligible unburned fuel. Well designed ultra low emissions burners operate at a higher excess air level of 25% in order to reduce emissions to very low levels. By operating at the minimum excess air requirement, less heat from the combustion process is being used to heat excess combustion air, which increases the energy available for the load. Combustion efficiency is not the same for all fuels and, generally, gaseous and liquid fuels burn more efficiently than solid fuels.
  • What is the process load of an industrial boiler? 2020-01-17
    A process load is usually a high-pressure steam load. A process load pertains to manufacturing operations, where heat from steam or hot water is used in the process. A process load is further defined as either continuous or batch. In a continuous load, the demand is fairly constant - such as in a heating load. The batch load is characterized by short-term demands. The batch load is a key issue when selecting equipment, because a batch-type process load can have a very large instantaneous demand that can be several times larger than the rating of the boiler. For example, based on its size, a heating coil can consume a large amount of steam simply to fill and pressurize the coil. When designing a boiler room for a process load with instantaneous demand, a more careful boiler selection process should take place.
  • What impact will flue gas passes have on boiler performance? 2020-01-10
    The number of passes that the flue gas travels before exiting the boiler has been a good criterion when comparing boilers. As the flue gas travels through the boiler it cools, and therefore changes volume. Multiple pass boilers increase efficiency because the passes are designed to maximize flue gas velocities as the flue gas cools. ZOZEN has developed new design technologies in our WNS series boilers allowing for comparable efficiencies in fewer passes, resulting in smaller boiler systems that will fit in tighter quarters.
  • What is the system load of an industrial boiler? 2020-01-10
    System load is measured in either BTUs or tons of steam (at a specific pressure and temperature). It would be nearly impossible to size and select a boiler(s) without knowing the system load requirements. Knowing the requirements leads to the following information: The boiler(s) capacity, taken from the maximum system load requirement. The boiler(s) turndown, taken from the minimum system load requirement. Conditions for maximum efficiency, taken from the average system load requirement. Determining the total system load requires an understanding of the type(s) of load in the system. There are three types of loads: heating, process, and combination.
  • What impact will excess air have on boiler performance? 2020-01-03
    Excess air provides safe operation above stoichiometric conditions. A burner is typically set up with 15% to 20% excess air in higher firing ranges. Higher excess air levels result in fuel being used to heat the air instead of transferring it to usable energy, increasing stack losses and significantly decreasing efficiency. Boilers with lower excess air throughout the operating range have higher efficiencies.
  • What impact will emissions have on boiler performance? 2019-12-27
    Emissions standards for boilers have become very stringent in many areas because of the new Clean Air regulations. The ability of the boiler to meet emissions regulations depends on the type of boiler and burner options. ZOZEN has options to meet 5ppm NOx regulations, as well as 1 ppm CO regulation at 30 ppm NOx out of the box. We can also custom-engineer Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) for more rigorous emissions controls.
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