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boiler evaporation ratio

Introduction: It is the ratio of quantity of steam generation in kg/hr to quantity of fuel consumed in kg/hr. Evaporation ratio = quantity of steam generation/quantity of fuel consumed.For example quantity of steam Is 310 ton/hr and fuel is 55 ton/hr then the evaporation ratio is 5.63. Evaporation ratio is also known as steam fuel ratio.A drop in evaporation ratio indicates drop in boiler efficiency.Boiler evaporation ratio depends on fuel quality. Higher calorific value of fuel having higher evaporation ratio. Value of evaporation ratio for different types of boiler is listed as- a) Coal fired boiler- 4.0-6.0. b) Oil fired boiler- 13.0-14.5 . c) Gas fired boiler- 11.0-13.

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