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  • What is the major advantage of a condensing boiler? 2020-05-29
    The condensing boiler burns carbon-based fuel with oxygen in order to produce steam and carbon dioxide. The gases that escape this process (through a chimney) as exhaust are called flue gases. The major advantage is that they offer up to a 90% improvement in terms of efficiency when compared to standard gas boilers. Overall, condensing boilers are considered much more efficient in contrast to non-condensing gas boilers, a major consideration for any business running on a budget.
  • How much coal is required to boil water from 60℃ to 90℃ in boiler 2020-05-22
    It could also say, how much heat is required to rais the water temperature from 60 ℃ to 90 ℃. To calculate heat required follow below steps Q= mCp dt Where m - water flow rate (kg/hr) Cp- specific heat of water dt- temperature differences ( 90–60) You will get heat required in kcal/ hr. dividing to Q by fuel GCV and system efficiency you will come to know how much fuel (either it is coal or oil) required to raise the temperature of water from 60 ℃ to 90℃.
  • Why does the efficiency of a boiler increase when pulverized coal is used in its furnace 2020-05-22
    For same energy output when energy input is lesser efficiency increase. When maximum heat energy is generated from coal or losses in heat transfer are reduced efficiency increase. Coal in boulder size is burnt combustion may not be complete. There will be more unburnt coal. As per coal chemistry and as per boiler flue gas velocity as designed best coal size for full combustion is designed. Maximum crushed coal is also not the best. Then there will be more coal dust. According to general design in various technologies pulverized coal give best combustion for fbc boilers. For cfbc boilers generally crushed coal size is 6 mm. When you achieve best combustion mean this is main contributor for increase in efficiency. Boiler design, heat transfer, flue gas velocity, heat losses, are other factors for efficiency.
  • What causes the explosion accident of the furnace of a gas-fired steam boiler 2020-05-08
    If the following three conditions occur during the burning and flame out process of a gas-fired boiler, the furnace is likely to blow up. 1.The residual gas content in the furnace reaches the ignition limit at the start-up phase of the furnace. 2.The fuel content in the furnace reaches the ignition limit after several times failure of ignition. 3.The fuel is sprayed out because of the halfway extinction of the flame. And, the temperature of the furnace can not meet the spontaneous combustion condition of the sprayed fuel. However, the content of the sprayed fuel reaches the ignition limit.
  • How to transform a coal fired boiler into a gas fired boiler 2020-05-01
    In the work of transforming a coal-fired boiler into a gas-fired boiler, the principle of changing the original boiler should be reduced without changing the pressure component of the boiler body. The transformation process should focus on the choice of gas burners, the determination of the number of burners, the layout of the burners, the matching design of the furnace layout, and the selection of explosion-proof measures. Step by step, both economic benefits and practicality should be considered.
  • What is the inlet pressure of a gas burner? 2020-05-01
    The inlet gas pressure is different for different capacity boiler, for example, the pressure for 2 ton steam capacity boiler is about 8~10KPa, while for 4 ton steam capacity boiler is about 12~25KPa. You can tell us the boiler capacity you want, we will help you to get the gas inlet pressure. 
  • What is the reason that causes flameout of a gas-fired boiler 2020-05-01
    1.Flamelifting caused by a sudden increase of gas pressure; 2.Gas supply disruptions caused by malfunction of solenoid valve; 3.Great gas constituent change and excessive moisture content.
  • What are the biomass pellets for a biomass-fired boiler? 2020-04-24
    Biomass fuel can be applied to a biomass-fired boiler by treatment and compression molding. Commonly used are straw particles, rice husk particles, wood particles, sawdust particles, peanut rod particles, sugar aldehyde residue particles, palm shell particles and so on.
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