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“coal fired steam boiler price”- related cases

  • 75 tph steam boiler for food industry in Indonesia 2018-07-12
    PT Angels Products was actively engaged in the crystallized sugar refining industry since 2003. Now, PT Angels Products is one of the biggest companies in the field of industrial crystal sugar refinery in the province of Banten. In the production of crystallized sugar refining, decolorization, evaporation, crystallization and drying are important processes, which need to consume a large number of steam. Moreover, food industry has high requirements for sanitation, a lot of steam needs to be used for disinfection and sterilization. Providing high quality and hygienic products is this company's core value. Therefore, they have strict requirements on the quantity and quality of steam. After visiting and comparing, PT Angels Products chose ZOZEN DHL series coal-fired steam boilers, which are designed with stable combustion, sufficient output and high-quality steam. But field-assembled boilers have high requirements for on-site installation. Then, ZOZEN cooperated with local agent and succe
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