A fire tube steam boiler is a boiler where the combustion gases from the burner are channeled through tubes that are surrounded by the fluid to be heated. The boiler body is the pressure vessel and contains the fluid. In most cases, this fluid is water that will circulate for heating purposes or become steam for use in processing.
Each set of tubes through which the combustion gas passes, before making a turn, is considered a "step". Consequently, a three-step boiler will have three sets of pipes with the outlet located at the rear of the boiler.
Steam carries about 540 Kcal/kg of useful energy whereas hot water and thermal fluid carry much less energy. Steam does not require a pump to transfer the energy. Generally, if the heating temperatures required are <100°C, then hot water can be used and if temperatures >180°C are needed then thermal fluid might be a better choice. For process temperatures between 100°C and 180°C steam is considered a viable option.
(Question Details) Specific Performance:(1) There are blasting sounds in the furnace, and the furnace chamber is under positive pressure. There is smoke emitted from the combustion chamber in a leakage. In severe cases, the explosion-proof door of the boiler body opens.(2) Drum water level drops rapidly and the feedwater flow rate is not abnormally larger than steam flow. MFT acts when the water level is below -280mm.(3) Drum pressure, steam flow rate, exhaust temperature decrease, smoke temperature difference increases on both sides.(4) The negative pressure at the inlet of the flue and suction fan becomes smaller and the temperature difference between the two sides increased. (5) Smoke temperature decreases at the inlet and outlet of the cyclone separator, and the temperature of the material returned is low.(6) Bed pressure increases, bed materials clean, fluidization poof, bed temperature distributes unevenly and bottom slag discharge difficultly. Answer:cause of failure:(1) Fly ash