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“wood chip biomass boiler cost”- related faq

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  • What are the reasons for the incomplete combustion of biomass in the biomass-fired boiler? 2020-09-11
    There are many reasons for the incomplete combustion of biomass.
  • Does the biomass-fired boiler need to be shut down for maintenance? 2020-04-03
    Biomass-fired boilers need to be shut down for maintenance. Proper maintenance can reduce the damage to the boiler caused by continuous work. Firstly, it is necessary to cut off all power to prevent being struck by lightning. In addition, dust, limescale and carbon deposits should be cleaned up to prevent rust and corrosion of the boiler.
  • What are the most common boiler fuel types? 2019-08-23
    Boilers are often distinguished by fuels that power them. The kind of fuel makes an essential difference in operating costs and environmental impact, so it’s important to learn about the various types of boiler fuel. Coal, is a common boiler fuel. It dominates the global energy arena due to its abundance, affordability and wide distribution across the world. The most commonly used coal fuels include anthracite, bituminous coal, sub-bituminous coal, lignite and peat.
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