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boiler and industrial plant

boiler and industrial plant

Introduction: ZOZEN Boiler is a professional boiler and industrial plant that specialized in providing the industrial boiler and boiler solutions. When users choose the boiler and industrial plant, they may focus on the below items. For example, the boiler price, the processing technology, the boiler brand and the quality assurance. ZOZEN boiler and industrial plant enjoys a good reputation in the market and is well received by the industries. The boiler and industrial plant of ZOZEN Boiler is located in the beautiful city of Wuxi in China, we provide the cloud service of live streaming to guide you visit our production base. Please get more information on the boiler and industrial plant of ZOZEN Boiler from the customer online service.

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The main processes of the paper industry are: pulping, pressing, drying, calendering, winding, rewinding, warehousing, etc. The pulping methods mainly include mechanical pulping, chemical pulping, semi-chemical pulping and bio-pulping. In the paper production, the heating and dissolving, machine shaping, Black slurry concentration and Squeeze drying of the chemicals in the pulping process all require heat sources, so the boiler is the main driving force for the production of the paper mill. The boiler uses coal or other fuels to generate high-temperature heat sources through conversion energy, and we transport the heat sources to various workshops for steaming and drying purposes. Because the production process consumes more energy in the production process of the paper mill, the energy cost can account for 10%-14% of the production cost. Therefore, energy conservation and consumption reduction has become one of the main ways for papermaking enterprises to increase production and save
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