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  • What are the specifications of a skid-mounted boiler? 2024-04-19
    The specifications of a skid-mounted boiler are an important basis for selecting the appropriate boiler. This article will introduce the content and determination methods of skid-mounted boiler specifications, as well as their significance in industrial applications, to help you determine the suitable skid-mounted boiler specifications based on your needs. The specifications of a skid-mounted boiler involve multiple key elements, including but not limited to the following information: 1.Output...
  • What types of materials (valves, piping, gaskets etc.) should be used with thermal fluid systems? 2024-02-02
    In thermal fluid systems, the choice of materials for valves, piping, gaskets, and other components is critical to ensure the system's integrity, efficiency, and safety. These materials must be compatible with the thermal fluid used, capable of withstanding the operating temperatures and pressures, and resistant to corrosion. As a leader in industrial boiler manufacturing, ZOZEN Boiler emphasizes the importance of selecting the right materials for each component of a thermal fluid system. Below ...
  • How can you reduce hazards and ensure safety in a thermal fluid system? 2024-01-12
    Introduction The operation of thermal fluid systems, commonly found in various industrial processes, inherently involves several risks due to the high temperatures and potentially hazardous nature of the heat transfer fluids. Ensuring the safety of these systems is paramount not only for the protection of personnel but also for the efficient and uninterrupted operation of the plant. This article outlines key strategies to reduce hazards and enhance safety in thermal fluid systems. Understandin...
  • What is a hybrid or combination boiler system? 2024-01-12
    A hybrid or combination boiler system refers to a heating system that combines two different types of heating technologies or fuels to optimize efficiency, performance, and cost-effectiveness. This system typically involves the integration of a traditional gas or oil boiler with a renewable energy source, such as a solar thermal system, a biomass boiler, or a heat pump. The idea is to harness the strengths of both systems to achieve greater energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. Ke...
  • Is there a minimum flow requirement for a thermal oil heater? 2024-01-05
    Yes, there is typically a minimum flow requirement for a thermal oil heater, and it's a crucial factor for the safe and efficient operation of the system. Thermal oil heaters, also known as thermal fluid heaters, use a special heat transfer fluid in a closed loop system to transfer heat to a process or heating application. The minimum flow requirement is essential for several reasons: Preventing Overheating: Ensuring a minimum flow rate is critical to prevent the thermal oil from overheating. I...
  • What if boiler cannot be ignited in the operation when the pressure is normal? 2023-12-01
    Question details (performance):Fail ignite, normal pressure, has electricity.Answer: Fault reason:1. The ignition transformer is burnt out.2. The high-voltage wire is damaged or detached.3. The clearance is too large or too small, and the relative size of the ignition rod position is wrong.4. Electrode rupture or grounded short circuit.5. Improper spacing. Troubleshooting:1. Replace with a new one.2. Reinstall or replace.3. Readjustment.
  • Why doesn't the gas boiler's motor turn on after pressing the start button? 2023-11-24
    (Question details) specific performance:The gas boiler is powered on, press start, the motor does not turn. Answer: Fault reason:1. Insufficient pneumatic locking.2. The solenoid valve is not sealing, and there is air leakage at the joint. Check the lock.3. The thermal relay is open.4. At least one of the conditional circuits is not valid (water level, pressure, temperature and to check whether the program controller is energized to start). Troubleshooting:1. Adjust the air pressure to the requested value.2. Clean or repair solenoid valve pipe joint.3. Check whether the component is damaged and motor current by reset.4. Check whether the water level, pressure and temperature exceed the limit.ZOZEN gas-fired boiler adopts automatic control to control the operation, combustion, water level, temperature and steam pressure. In case of such problems, the system will automatically prompt the error code.
  • What Are the Characteristics of a Packaged Boiler? 2023-11-06
    A packaged boiler is an industrial or commercial boiler that comes as a complete package with all components required for it to operate. This typically includes the boiler shell, the burner, control systems, and various safety devices all mounted on a common base and pre-wired. The idea is that the boiler can be brought to the site and made operational with minimal on-site work, just requiring connections for fuel, water, electrical supply, and exhaust. Characteristics of a Packaged Boiler: Pr...
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