Not inspecting it often enough can lead to minor issues being missed, which can lead to major issues later and possibly injury.
Not checking a boiler system could have catastrophic results in the form of a boiler explosion. Fuel may explode due to unfound problems. The high temperatures generated by the boiler can also cause problems if the water level drops too low and the trip switch fails.
Regular inspections can identify and correct faults in the safety systems that are designed to prevent accidents.
When it comes to regular maintenance, the cost of the inspections and repairs will be dramatically lower than the loss of time and profit from a broken boiler that requires replacing. Don’t let maintenance fall by the wayside. Schedule it at even intervals throughout the year.
Normally a boiler is provided with two independent sensors for emergency low water level burner cut-outs. So this would never happen. However, if it does, don't take any chances! Shut off the burners immediately!
Before you start raising the level in the boiler you have to find out if any part of the furnace walls has been overheated. If you raise the level over a glowing steel-wall then the boiler might produce more steam than the safety valves can handle and a nasty explosion would be the result.
The condensing boiler burns carbon-based fuel with oxygen in order to produce steam and carbon dioxide. The gases that escape this process (through a chimney) as exhaust are called flue gases. The major advantage is that they offer up to a 90% improvement in terms of efficiency when compared to standard gas boilers. Overall, condensing boilers are considered much more efficient in contrast to non-condensing gas boilers, a major consideration for any business running on a budget.
There are many opinions on the best way to clean a steam boiler. One of the oldest ways is to dissolve a pound of tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) and a pound of caustic soda (lye) in water and pour it into the boiler. Let it cook for a few hours and then drain the boiler. If you can't buy TSP in your town, try a commercial soap called MEX. It works well and will not damage the rubber gaskets found in some boilers. However, before you clean any boiler, check the manufacturer's instructions for their recommendations.
If the following three conditions occur during the burning and flame out process of a gas-fired boiler, the furnace is likely to blow up.
1.The residual gas content in the furnace reaches the ignition limit at the start-up phase of the furnace.
2.The fuel content in the furnace reaches the ignition limit after several times failure of ignition.
3.The fuel is sprayed out because of the halfway extinction of the flame. And, the temperature of the furnace can not meet the spontaneous combustion condition of the sprayed fuel. However, the content of the sprayed fuel reaches the ignition limit.
The inlet gas pressure is different for different capacity boiler, for example, the pressure for 2 ton steam capacity boiler is about 8~10KPa, while for 4 ton steam capacity boiler is about 12~25KPa. You can tell us the boiler capacity you want, we will help you to get the gas inlet pressure.
The coal-fired boiler refers to the boiler uses various types of coal as fuel and converts the heat of coal to steam or hot water.
There are generally two calculation methods of the circulating water volume of a coal-fired hot water boiler. One is to calculate the hourly water volume of one square meter and the other is to calculate the design parameter volume of every ton. As for the make-up water volume of this type of boiler, it is usually calculated as 1% to 3% of its total circulating water.