Introduction: wns6-1.25-yq horizontal condensing steam boiler, acidity will occur where sea water is present in a boiler, wns6-1.25-yq horizontal condensing steam boiler. There is the possibility of such an occurrence in marine practice and in stationary plants using sea water for condensing, wns6-1.25-yq horizontal condensing steam boiler, due to leaky condenser tubes, priming in the evaporators, etc. wns6-1.25-yq horizontal condensing steam boiler, such acidity is caused through the dissociation of magnesium chloride into hydrochloride acid and magnesia under high temperatures, wns6-1.25-yq horizontal condensing steam boiler.
Addr: No. 76, Xin Da Road, Zhou tie Town, Yixing, Wuxi, China