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“steam boiler at 10 ton/hr”- related faq

  • What are the interlocks for a steam boiler? 2022-12-23
    An Interlock in the boiler’s control system is a programmed or hardwired condition that forces a device to be in a pre-determined or permissive state before the process can continue. Depending on design pressure, fuel type, either liquid, gas or solid, all steam boiler require interlocks to sequence the operation and to prevent damage to the boiler. Examples of such devices are High or Low Boiler Drum Water Level, Low Boiler Feed Pump Pressure, High or Low Fuel pressure, High or Low Atomization pressure (oil fired), Proof of Ignition, Proof of Flame, FD and/or ID (solid fuel) Fan Motor Operation or combustion air pressure, Damper or Valve position and High Boiler Steam Pressure as well as O2 and furnace temperature.
  • What is the deadweight of a 10 tph boiler? 2021-08-27
    A 10 tph boiler does not mean that the dead weight of the boiler is 10 tons. The ton of the 10 tph boiler is the heat load unit of the boiler, which is used in engineering, indicating that the rated evaporation capacity of the boiler is 10 t/h.
  • How many tons are the rated thermal power of 42 MW of industrial boiler? 2021-08-13
    As an important heat energy supply equipment, industrial boiler is widely used in food, electronics, paper making, building materials, textiles and chemical industries. According to the medium, industrial boilers can be divided into steam boilers, hot water boilers and thermal oil heaters. In order to solve the problem "How many tons are the rated thermal power of 42 MW of industrial boiler?" First of all, we need to know the basic knowledge of rated thermal power and unit ton.
  • What is the difference between steam generator and steam boiler? 2021-07-09
    A steam generator is a mechanical equipment that uses the heat energy of fuel or other energy resources to heat water into hot water or steam. It belongs to small equipment and is a kind of steam boiler. According to Boiler Safety Technical Inspection Regulations, a boiler whose water volume exceeds 30 litres belongs to pressure container, national special equipment. There is no need of water storage in the internal structure of modular steam generator concurrent pipeline and the water volume is...
  • What is the role of steam boilers in textile manufacturing? 2021-06-04
    Steam and hot water play an integral role at several stages of the textile manufacturing process. Much of the manufacturing process requires the use of steam or hot water produced by industrial boilers, textile engineering, bulk fabric production, garment manufacturing, or other textile processes.   Pre-treatment There are several steps in this process, and some of them require both steam and hot water that is clean and pure, which requires an efficient steam boiler.   Dyeing Dep...
  • How does high altitude affect the steam boiler? 2021-06-04
    Combustion is a process which needs constant air supply for its survival, but as we move up the earth i.e. at higher altitudes, things aren’t the same as they used to be at sea level. Due to decreased air density at higher altitude, it will consume the same volume of air but will not consume the same mass of air.   This results in less fuel consumption & less steam generation rate. Due to the reduction of mass flow of gases through tubes of a steam boiler, convective heat transf...
  • What are industrial steam boilers used for in the textile industry? 2021-05-07
    Steam is very widely applied in the textile industry. It is commonly used in many subsectors and processes: manufacturing fabrics, manufacturing textile products…
  • What are industrial steam boilers used for in the automobile sector? 2021-05-07
    The automobile production sector also uses steam from industrial steam boilers in its processes.