The coal is usually smashed to be the pulverized coal for boiler combustion. This is an introduction to the causes and treatment methods for the extinguishment of the pulverized coal fired boiler.
What are the reasons for the low efficiency of dust collector of the biomass-fired boiler? They are nature of dust, quality of bag and velocity of filtering.
1) Set up the air preheater. One of the most effective measures to improve the thermal efficiency of thermal oil heater is to use an air preheater for heat recovery. 2) Use waste heat boiler for heat recovery. The waste heat boiler uses the waste heat in the flue gas exhausted from the thermal oil heater to heat water or generate steam.
Coal is one of the main fuels used by boilers, especially the coal-fired boiler. In order to reduce the production costs, we need to know whether the coal-fired boiler saves coal in operation.
When regulating and controlling the coal-fired steam boiler, it will involve the banking-up operation which has a set of operating steps and points for attention. Strictly adhering to the operating steps will be helpful for the more efficient operation of coal-fired steam boiler and can extend its service life at the same time.
Soot on the heating surfaces. Even a thin layer of soot will reduce the boiler efficiency. Not the right fuel for the burner. For instance, diesel oil to a rotary cup burner wouldn't do. Too low feed water temperature.
For same energy output when energy input is lesser efficiency increase. When maximum heat energy is generated from coal or losses in heat transfer are reduced efficiency increase. Coal in boulder size is burnt combustion may not be complete. There will be more unburnt coal. As per coal chemistry and as per boiler flue gas velocity as designed best coal size for full combustion is designed. Maximum crushed coal is also not the best. Then there will be more coal dust. According to general design in various technologies pulverized coal give best combustion for fbc boilers. For cfbc boilers generally crushed coal size is 6 mm.
When you achieve best combustion mean this is main contributor for increase in efficiency. Boiler design, heat transfer, flue gas velocity, heat losses, are other factors for efficiency.