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“purchase gas fired boiler”- related faq

  • How to deal with the sudden flameout of gas-fired or oil-fired boiler? 2020-09-04
    Once the flameout of gas-fired or oil-fired boiler is confirmed, the boiler should be shut down for inspection and maintenance in time according to the operating regulations. Only after the inspection and test are completed, the boiler can continue to be used.
  • What is the classification of burner for gas-fired or oil-fired boiler from the perspective of structure? 2020-08-14
    From the perspective of structure, there are two kinds of burner used by boiler that are split gun type burner and integrated gun type burner.
  • What is the classification of burner for gas-fired or oil-fired boiler from the perspective of atomization mode? 2020-08-14
    From the perspective of atomization mode, there are three kinds of burner used by boiler that are rotating cup atomization burner, pressure atomization burner and medium atomization burner.
  • How to improve the efficiency of coal-fired boilers to achieve economic operation? 2020-07-03
    In the adjustment of boiler operation, on the basis of ensuring safe operation, economic operation must also be achieved to improve boiler efficiency. In general boiler units, the efficiency can basically reach more than 92%, and the total loss is less than 8%. The loss is: exhaust heat loss, generally 5-6%, followed by mechanical incomplete combustion heat loss is less than 1-1.5 %, heat loss and ash slag physical heat loss are about 1%. (Physical heat loss for high ash coal ash residue will be greater). From the point of view of quantification of indicators, the key to improving boiler efficiency is to reduce smoke loss and heat loss due to incomplete combustion of machinery. Pay attention to the flue gas temperature changes. Excessive flue gas temperature will affect the efficiency of the boiler. Too low temperature may cause low-temperature corrosion of the air preheater. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the adjustment according to the load changes during operation. When t
  • What are the causes and treatment methods of slagging on the heating surface of coal-fired boilers? 2020-07-03
    Influencing factors of slagging on heating surface of boiler (1) Ash characteristics of pulverized coal Generally, the softening temperature ST of ash is used as the main indicator of slag formation. Coal with low ash melting point (ST<1200℃) is easy to slag. In addition, the slagging index also includes: silicon ratio, alkali-acid ratio, slagging index, limit viscosity and so on. (2)Aerodynamic characteristics in the furnace Improper air flow organization leads to flame center deviation, and the pulverized coal air flow flame adheres to the wall, causing local slagging of the water-cooled wall; Improper air flow organization, forming flue gas retention vortex area and forming a reducing atmosphere (with CO), reducing the ash melting point and increasing the possibility of slagging. Excess air coefficient: When the excess air in the furnace is too small, a reducing atmosphere may be generated, and the tendency of slagging will increase accordingly. (3)Influence of boiler heat lo
  • Why does the efficiency of a boiler increase when pulverized coal is used in its furnace 2020-05-22
    For same energy output when energy input is lesser efficiency increase. When maximum heat energy is generated from coal or losses in heat transfer are reduced efficiency increase. Coal in boulder size is burnt combustion may not be complete. There will be more unburnt coal. As per coal chemistry and as per boiler flue gas velocity as designed best coal size for full combustion is designed. Maximum crushed coal is also not the best. Then there will be more coal dust. According to general design in various technologies pulverized coal give best combustion for fbc boilers. For cfbc boilers generally crushed coal size is 6 mm. When you achieve best combustion mean this is main contributor for increase in efficiency. Boiler design, heat transfer, flue gas velocity, heat losses, are other factors for efficiency.
  • What is the requirement of the control system of a coal-fired steam boiler ? 2020-05-15
    The coal-fired steam boiler is a forced circulation high-pressure single-tube DC boiler. Its operation process includes three processes: the combustion process of the fuel, the heat transfer process of flue gas to water and the vaporization process after water absorbs heat. In order to better control these different processes, the control system should make the heat of pulverized coal combustion adapt to the requirements of steam load changes and dryness.
  • What is the inlet pressure of a gas burner? 2020-05-01
    The inlet gas pressure is different for different capacity boiler, for example, the pressure for 2 ton steam capacity boiler is about 8~10KPa, while for 4 ton steam capacity boiler is about 12~25KPa. You can tell us the boiler capacity you want, we will help you to get the gas inlet pressure. 
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