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“thermal boiler”- related faq

  • How to deal with the abnormality of circulating pump of thermal oil heater? 2024-03-29
    Dealing with abnormalities in the circulating pump of a thermal oil heater involves several steps, aimed at identifying the issue and applying the appropriate corrective measures. Here’s a general approach: 1. Identify the Symptom: Common abnormalities include unusual noises, overheating, reduced flow rate, leakage, or vibration. Understanding the symptom helps in pinpointing the underlying issue. 2. Check Electrical Components: Inspect electrical connections, fuses, and the motor for an...
  • What are the advantages of realizing the automatic control of gas-fired boiler? 2024-03-29
    Boiler is a kind of thermal energy conversion equipment composed of drum and furnace. It uses fuel combustion to heat water into steam or hot water to provide power for production or help auxiliary production. With the continuous improvement of industrial manufacturing technology, boiler's control has also changed from the traditional full manual operation to the present automatic intelligent control.
  • How to select a set of gas-fired boiler for heating supply of an area of 200,000 m2 2024-03-22
    Selecting a gas-fired boiler for heating a 200,000 m^2 area involves several considerations to ensure efficient, reliable, and cost-effective operation. Here’s a structured approach: 1. Determine Heating Demand First, calculate the total heating demand of the 200,000 m^2 area. Heating demand varies based on climate, building insulation, usage, and local standards. A rough estimate for moderate climates is 100 W/m^2, but this can vary. 2. Choose Boiler Type Decide on the boiler type. Fo...
  • What is the exhaust gas concentration of the biomass-fired boiler and how to deal with it in a more eco-friendly way? 2024-02-23
    The pollution discharge of the biomass-fired boiler is less than the coal-fired boiler. It is also necessary to deal with the exhaust gas of the biomass-fired boiler to meet the national standards before boiler ignition and operation.
  • What is the effect of blowing rate on the combustion of coal-fired boiler? 2024-02-23
    The air oxygen content's effect on the boiler is mainly reflected by the effect on the blowing rate. Boiler will have typical phenomena if the blowing rate is high or low.
  • What are the notices for the reconstruction of coal-fired boiler? 2024-02-16
    Because coal fuel is expensive and coal combustion can cause serious environmental pollution, it is necessary to transform the coal-fired boiler into gas-fired boiler. However, the reconstruction of coal-fired boiler is not a small project. Only pay close attention to every phase of the reconstruction process can avoid failure.
  • How can the high-temperature flue gas generated by biomass-fired boilers be effectively discharged? 2024-02-09
    Discharging high-temperature flue gas generated by a biomass-fired boiler efficiently and safely is crucial for boiler operation, environmental compliance, and energy recovery. These gases, if not handled properly, can lead to energy inefficiency and increase the emission of pollutants. ZOZEN Boiler, as a professional industrial boiler manufacturer, incorporates advanced technologies and strategies to manage and utilize high-temperature flue gases from biomass-fired boilers. Here's an overview o...
  • What is the thermal efficiency of an industrial boiler? 2024-02-09
    The thermal efficiency of an industrial boiler is a measure of how effectively the boiler converts the energy contained in the fuel into usable heat. It is typically expressed as a percentage, indicating the ratio of heat output for heating or producing steam to the energy input from the fuel consumed. This efficiency is crucial for understanding the performance of a boiler, as it directly impacts fuel consumption, operational costs, and environmental emissions. Factors Influencing Thermal Effi...
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